
La Polonia e gli armeni

Polish Government and Local Authorities Vary in Opinions on Armenian Genocide Issue
Online Armenian Newspaper Yerkir, 28.02.2006 12:41
YEREVAN (YERKIR) - The local authorities are not at one with the government on the Armenian Genocide issue, shepherd of the Armenians of Poland Tadeus Isahakian-Zalezski told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, during the 7 centuries that Armenians lived in Poland they merged with its culture, participated in the construction of Lwow, Stanislawow, Lublin and were rewarded for their fidelity – on April 19, 2005 the Polish Seym passed the resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide. “However this fact apparently did not have much importance for the Wrowlaw authorities, who closed the Armenian Genocide exhibition after a call from the Turkish Embassy,” Tadeus Isahakian-Zalezski said adding, “It turns out that foreign embassies have a greater authority than the government of the country.” According to him, a country that is “knocking on the door of Europe” should recognize the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide. To note, formal part of the event was followed by the performance of Armenian songs by “Musa Ler”, a band from Warsaw. Many Poles unaware of the Armenian culture were present at the event.

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